2012年1月18日 星期三

What seems once to be ………影像創作個展 / 呂思盈 Xing Lyu

What seems once to be ………


相片常給我這樣的感覺,遙遠 — 因為我們再也回不去那個當下了,卻又觸手可及 — 眼前所見就是那麼栩栩如生的存在,的時空錯覺,一種鄉愁。

相片是記憶的載體,看著相片,喚醒了潛意識裡的感受, 似乎更瞭解了,那時候的存在裡未曾發現的情感。 它永遠是尚未命名的(Untitled),每張相片的姓名意義,會隨著時間以及觀者的不同,而產生個人的詮釋及想像。



What seems once to be ………

tell me, what happened in these times ………

Photos, they always make me feel the illustion of time when I watch them. They are not only Far, because it’s impossible for us to return to the moment that we took the photo but also Near, becausee they are so vivid and touchable right in fron of us.  Such a nostalgia.

Photos are the carriers of memories. By watching them , unware feelings which hide in our subcouciousness  got evoked and giving us a chance to rediscover the hiding feelings that we had not noticed before. You don’t give a name to a photo,  because they deserver to be untitiled.  Any titles and meanings of a photo can change over time, and can be illustrated by any views.

The photos I  exhibited this time were taken from 2010 to 2011. By watching them, I could reviwe the journeies and lives I have experienced. And they also give some clues to me, and enable me to rethink and clarify myself.  These are all about my stories.

Interestingly, I believe that when you see these photos something will be formed between the photos and you. And  I am so curious about what you see, what you feel and even the relationship you have made with them. Please come here, and tell me everything about your story.

( I’ll prepare some papers and pens, you could write down what you think about every photo.)

What seems once to be ………

影像創作展 / 呂思盈
A solo exhibition by Xing Lyu

展期:2012 / 2 / 1  ~  2012 / 3 / 4
地點:ThERE 音樂藝文咖啡 展演空間 / 桃園縣 桃園市復興路 454 B1
入場方式 : 低消入場

